LiLiTH “the BIRTHDAY!!!" -THE PARTY!!! #19

今年も WOMB に LiLiTH が帰ってキターーーー!!!
オーガナイザーの MIO と、LiLiTH のアーティストであり、音楽誌の編集長でもある Naoki Serizawa が世界中のパーティをめぐり、実際に見て聴いて感じて、有名無名に関わらず、「カッコいい! コイツは絶対ヤバイ!」と自信を持ってオススメ出来るアーティストのみを海外からゲストに迎え、現在進行形のハウス・ミュージックをお届けするパーティ、LiLiTH!!
テーマはいつも、「SEXY&GROOVY」!! 今年も CROSSTOWN REBELS から期待の新星 Russ Yallop をゲストに、メインはディープなハウス・ミュージックを。
そして、今年も MIO’s birthday bash ということで、各フロアには、MIO が90年代から一緒にパーティをやってきたトランスシーンの仲間たちや、オシャレで遊び人なセンパイたち、カワイイ後輩たちに集まってもらいました!

This year LiLiTH has come back to WOMB!
Organizer MIO and LiLiTH performer and music magazine editor in chief Naoki Seizawa have been going to parties all over the world, and bringing back guest artists whose work they've seen and heard and felt, both famous and not, who made them think "Wow! These guys are amazing!" and who they can recommend without a shadow of a doubt. This all adds up to the forefront of progressive house music, LiLiTH!
The theme is, as always "Sexy & Groovy"! Featuring a base of deep house music, and much anticipated rising star Russ Yallop of the Crosstown Rebels as a guest. This year we also have MIO's birthday bash, bringing together on each floor those guys on the trance scene who've been partying with MIO since the 90s, as well as cool playboys and cute young things!
We've got an array of cool, fun members in keeping with such a party. This is, without a doubt, a party where you can have fun in every way you choose!