第14回目を迎える SODEYAMA 主宰の ARPA SHOWCASE。今までにハウス、テクノを問わず様々なアーティストを招き、飽和されていくパーティーとはひと味違った内容とクオリティーで確固たるポジションを確立している。
今回のゲストには初来日の際にも SODEYAMA 主宰のパーティーに出演、その後何度となく共演をしている『Mathew Jonson』が登場する!!
ライヴ・テクノ・プロジェクト Cobblestone Jazz で "Tek-Fusion" スタイルを世界に提唱し、シーンを震撼させたミニマル・ハウス / テクノのパイオニア、Mathew Jonson。カナダはヴァンクーバーの出身で、その後ドイツ・ベルリンに移住。世界のトップ・レーベルの一つに挙げられる Wagon Repair を主宰し、現在のエレクトロニック・ミュージック・シーンにおいて最も卓越したプロデューサーのひとりである。予測不能なドラムシーケンス、独特なベースライン、メランコリックなメロディーを自在に操るライブセットは圧巻の一言である。

The 14th ARPA SHOWCASE, presided over as always by SODEYAMA, is almost upon us. This party event has firmly established itself as a showcase for quality and content that is just a little bit different from the norm, and has always been saturated with a wide variety of artists, invited regardless of whether their background is in techno or house.

Guest this time is Mathew Jonson, who will appear at SODEYAMA's party for the first time during his inaugural visit to Japan and who is sure to become a regular visitor from now on. Mathew Jonson is a pioneer, both of techno and the minimal house style that took the scene by storm. With his live techno project Cobblestone Jazz, he successfully introduced the unique "Tek-Fusion" style to the world. A native of Vancouver, Canada, Jonson is now based in Berlin, Germany. He is one of the founders of Wagon Repair, cited as being one of the world's top labels, and is one of the most prominent producers working in the electronic music scene today. His live shows, at which he freely manipulates unpredictable drum sequences, unique baselines, and melancholic melodies, are truly a sight to behold.