DJ歴40年を迎えた今も尚日本のクラブ・シーンをリードし続ける重鎮DJ AGEISHIとFORCE OF NATUREやThe Backwoodsなどの活動でも知られるDJ KENTが満を持してスタートするパーティー"Double Circle"。
第一回目の今回はDJ KENTのThe Backwoods名義でのリミックスを収録したデビューシングル"MONK"を近日リリース予定の次世代NU DISCOデュオMONKEY TIMERSの2人を迎えての開催。
Double Circle is the long-awaited party brought to you by AGEISHI―the artist who, after 40 years, remains a leader in the Japanese scene―and KENT, who is known for his work in FORCE OF NATURE and The Backwoods. What kind of grooves will these two circles―whose voices transcend generations―create? Find out for yourself on the dance floor! This, the inaugural event, will also feature next-generation nu-disco duo MONKEY TIMERS, whose debut single MONK (featuring a remix by KENT, under his The Backwoods guise) is planned for release soon. This duo's own double circle is also not to be missed!