ゲストにはベルリンの Watergate などのベニューを中心に活動している"Cesare vs Disorder"。近年は Vakant , STOCK5 , Serialism などのレーベルからのリリースを数多く発表し、Bruno Pronsato , Queen などの有名プロデューサー達との共作するトラックが注目を集めている。又自身が運営するレーベル”mean”では Akiko Kiyama 等の日本人アーティストと数多く活動し、日本とのゆかりも深い。2011年に開催された"STOCK5 SHOW CASE @ AIR"に引き続き2度目の来日となる。

The last party in 2013 for RHYTHMHOLIC, active in the Nagisa Music Festival and other famous Tokyo events and rapidly broadening the scope of its activities.
The guest will be Cesare vs. Disorder, who works primarily at Watergate and other Berlin venues. With a flurry of releases under Vakant, STOCK5, Serialism, and other labels, he has collaborated with Bruno Pronsato, Queen, and other famous producers on tracks that are gaining attention. He has also worked with many Japanese artists on his own label, mean, including Akiko Kiyama, creating strong ties with Japan. In 2011, he came to Japan twice in a row for the "STOCK5 SHOW CASE @ AIR."
This event will feature different artists on every floor, each with a sound you won't hear anywhere else.
"RHYTHMHOLIC" keeps running for those of you who are hungry for a beat and addicted to parties. The last party of 2013 will be one you won't want to miss--count on it.