born to be MONSTAR 2013 Final

遊び心をとことん凝縮させ、誰もが楽しめる空間を目指し、まるでアトラクションの様な異空間で、異様な盛り上がりをみせ注目を集めているパーティー、『born to be MONSTAR』。

MONSTAR VISUALによる空間演出で、ヴォルテージを最高潮へ引き上げ、毎回注目のゲスト陣と、Weekend WarriorzのMuraki Yusukeを始めとしたMONSTAR crewが、その開かれた心に火を点す!!!

5ive (Cos/Mes)/Supermaar (Dexpistols)/Stephan K (Weekend Warriorz)


Through the quirky & slightly eccentric sense of atmosphere that MONSTAR delivers, the ever-increasing diverse crowd becomes one.
When that energy explodes, all become their own version of "monster", and transform into bright and shiny STARS.

So bring yourselves, bring a friend and let's shine!!