2014年のキックオフとなる石野卓球レジデントパーティー STERNE。
毎年1月は日本人アーティストがゲストとして招聘されるのが恒例となっている今回のゲストは、日本が世界に誇るテクノゴット KEN ISHII が登場。
昨年デビュー20周年を記念した PARTY を都内各所で開催したり、別名義として人気があった Flare (フレア) の17年ぶりの復活を遂げたり、勢力的に活動を続けている。
WOMB では REEL UP の開催でもお馴染みだが、STERNE にゲスト出演するのはなんと、4年ぶり!新年から夢の共演に心が躍る!

The 2014 kick-off party is Takkyu Ishino's resident party STERNE. The tradition of inviting a Japanese artist as a guest every year in January continues with this year's guest. Introducing KEN ISHII, the tech god Japan is proud to share with the world. After all the parties held in various places in Tokyo last year to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his debut, and through making a comeback for the first time in 17 years under his previous name, Flare, he continues all of his activities vigorously. At WOMB we're familiar with the events held by REEL UP, but it's been, wow, four years since a guest performance by STERNE! This new year will start your heart pounding with excitement at this dream of a collaborative performance!