2013年渋谷UNDERBARよりスタートした CYCLE、2014年は WOMB LOUNGE 奇数月第4月曜日のレギュラーパーティーとして始動する。WOMB LOUNGE 初回のこの夜は、“Taku☆Takahashi presents インターギャラクティック”、“FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL 2012”など幅広い出演キャリアを持つ WILDPARTY をゲストに迎える。勿論レジデント陣も様々な工夫をこらし、第一夜を作りあげる。平日から最高にハッピーでオープンマインドなパーティー “CYCLE” へぜひ足をはこんでもらいたい。

He started his career at the age of 18. Starting with breakcore, he has steadily widened the boundaries of the genre while continuing to distinguish himself. When he performed on DOMMUNE's "MP3 KILLED CD STARS" program, he attracted attention by displaying an ultra-borderless performance, in which he devoured electronic music, hip-hop, pop, anime music, video game music, and break core all at once. Besides releasing "MOGRA MIX VOL.1 mixed by WILDPARTY" from EMI in March 2013, his first major solo release, he became big news after rocking the audience of 2,000 with his performance held at ANIME EXPO in LA in July. After that, he successfully joined in an electric performance with OL Killer and Fukumen Unit at the FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL 2012. He has been expanding his activities worldwide, including even participating in Akiba Tokyo held in Hong Kong.