
ラテン・ハウス・アンセム“It Just Won’t Do”で世界中を熱狂させ、名実ともに世界のトップ ARTIST の座に君臨し、今なお日々進化を続ける男ティム・デラックス。フジロック、エレクトラグライドへの出演、多くのクラウドが詰め掛け入場規制となった来日ツアー、"Diesel U music 2005"の動員記録を塗り替えるなど、数々の伝説を作り続けてきた真のフロア・キラー。2010年、約4年振りとなる最新アルバム『Fluid Moments』をリリースし、アルバムがヒットする中、来日を果たした。その後"METAMORPHOSE SPRING 2012"では盟友ダレン・エマーソンと共に見事にとりを飾った。そして2014年最新作がリリースされる。時代の空気と共に変化しながらトラックを制作するティム・デラックス。彼の最新作は今までにない新境地を開くことになるだろう。

Inciting enthusiasm all over the world with the Latin house anthem "It Just Won't Do," dominating the position as the world's top ARTIST in both name and reality, it's the man who continues to evolve daily even now, Tim Deluxe.
Performing at Fuji Rock and Electraglide, touring Japan with concerts packed with huge crowds and restricted admission, rewriting the attendance record at "Diesel U music 2005," he's the true floor killer who continues to create countless legends.
In 2010, he released his first album in about four years, "Fluid Moments," and during that albums large success he came to visit Japan. After that he created an unforgettable finale with his ally Darren Emerson at "METAMORPHOSE SPRING 2012."
And in 2014 his latest work will be released. Tim Deluxe, who produces tracks while changing with the seasons. His latest work is likely to explore new ground never discovered before.

INFO: BEATINK 03-5768-1277