才色兼備を兼ね備えたガールズDJ達お贈りする、一夜限りGirl's Night Out! SWEET ROOM。ミュージックセレクターにはモデルの畑中奈緒美や伊藤クリス、KYLA KATといったフィメールDJを筆頭に、XーGirlから美貌のDJ Anastassia、カルチャーマガジンHIDDEN CHAMPIONのエディターでアーティストのMayuなどが敏腕美女DJが登場。新年最初のSWEET ROOMでガールズタイムを楽しもう。
Beautiful and talented girl DJs are banding together to create a one-night only event called Girl's Night Out!@Le Baron SWEET ROOM. The music selectors include model Chris Ito, and Kayla Cut, as well as DJ Anastasia from X-Girl and DJ Mayu, who is the editor of culture magazine HIDDEN CHAMPION. Trust your night to these cool young women, with the first SWEET ROOM event of 2014!