VETA with DJ Pete aka Substance

独自の解釈でインダストリアルテクノを展開する"VETA"に2014年の幕開けとして登場するのは、ベルリンテクノのアンダーグラウンド・シーンで黎明期から活躍してきたアーティスト「DJ Pete aka Substance」による至極のDJ Set。
ベルリンの老舗レコードショップ〈Hard Wax〉を長きに渡り支えてきた経験とセンスは、"rural 2013"での「Sleeparchive」とのユニット「TR-101」でのLive Set、また自身名義でのDJ Setにより証明され、ハードでありながらグルーブ満載のそのプレイと存在感は、我々VETA crewをはじめ多くのオーディエンスの心と体を鷲掴みにした。
VETA are now celebrating their 12th party in Tokyo:
On March 22nd, DJ Pete aka Substance, one of the originators of the Berlin techno, as well as part of the record store "Hard Wax" crew, will strike VETA.
It is still fresh in our minds that he excited the audience with his great industrial and also groovy DJ set & Live set with Sleeparchive as TR-101 at "rural 2013".
Come down with a clear mind and expect the unexpected!

ベルリンのテクノ黎明期からアンダーグラウンド・シーンで活動してきたDJであり、95年から活動を続けるレネ・ロヴェとのユニット、サイオン(Chain Reaction)やソロ名義サブスタンスで知られるプロデューサーであり、長年に渡るレコード店〈Hard Wax〉のスタッフでもある。テクノの20年以上の歴史を消化しながら、常に最新のサウンドも取り入れるそのDJスタイルは、インダストリアルとタフなハウス、ベルリン・サウンドとUSテクノ、さらにダブステップを自由に交差し、抜群の安定感でシームレスに紡ぎ上げる。膨大な知識と経験に裏付けられたプレイは、オーディエンスを楽しませながら、未知の音世界に誘ってくれるのである。

-Resident Advisor

Looking at Berlin’s Techno landscape, there’s no way missing the landmark which is DJ Pete. He’s not only an eye wittness to Techno’s zero hour in Berlin, but he also became one of the early forces shaping the German capital’s underground dance scene for the years to come. He quickly went from being a consumer to actually write Berlin’s Techno history as a producer, remixer and an international dj, as well as part of the Hard Wax record store crew.

Listening to Pete dj, it is hardly surprising his experience spanning two decades constantly shines through. His sets comprise a wide range of the most important currents the music went through over the last 20 years. His energetic djing is based on loop-y Techno with a tinge of Industrial, tougher House tracks, the proverbial Berlin Sound, as well as classic US Techno. One of his main strentghs is to intuitively keep the balance of pleasing the crowd while always keeping an open mind for new sounds. Moving between those poles is DJ Petes main source for inspiration, currently resulting in him spicing up his sets with a lot of Dubstep verging on Techno.

Another fine example of both his variety and open-mindedness is the fact that he – as a dj still prefering the sonic and haptic qualities of vinyl – released "Scion Arrange And Process Basic Channel Tracks" as part of the duo Scion, which was the first commercially available cd ever to have been produced with the then completely new software Ableton Live. In 1995, Scion released their debut „Emerge“ on Chain Reaction, followed by more productions under his solo pseudonym Substance on Chain Reaction and Scion Versions, as well as remixes for artists like Juan Atkins, Robert Hood and Rhythm & Sound.