テクノ、ハウス両視点からエレクトロニックミュージックを体現してきた MID だが、今回はハウスに焦点を当て開催。
ゲストにはモデルとして活躍し、シンガーとしての実力を持つ EMIKA。DEEP かつ MINIMAL な HOUSE を得意とし、を東京を拠点に海外にも活動の場を広げるトラックメーカー SHINTARO.D を迎える。


While MID has come to be recognized for embodying both the techno and house genres of electronic music, this time out he'll be showing off his focus on house. Performing as a guest is Emika—known for her modeling, and gifted as singer. And specializing in deep yet minimal house and based out of Tokyo but active in places far outside of Japan, we welcome producer Shintaro.D. Expect house music that will draw you through the long tunnel of winter into the bright colors of spring.