1月の開催に続き “CYCLE” が第2夜を迎える。WILDPATY をゲストに迎え、平日ながらありえない動員を見せた前回。
第2夜には昨年末に MIXCD「LOVE EDM Party Queen mixed by YURiA 」を FARM RECORDS よりリリースし、都内のみならず全国、さらには海外まで活躍の場を広げる YURiA をゲストに迎える。更に都内各所で活躍するレジデント陣、VJ、ダンサー、全てがリンクし最高の一夜を創りあげる。平日から最高にハッピーでオープンマインドなパーティー “CYCLE” へぜひ足をはこんでもらいたい。
On the heels of its January event, "CYCLE" will be having a second night. Last time, we welcomed WILDPATY as a special guest, and we rallied an unbelievably large crowd even though it was on a weekday. On this second night, we'll be welcoming YURiA as our special guest, who released a mix CD late last year titled "LOVE EDM Party Queen mixed by YURiA", published by FARM RECORDS. Not only has she spread out from the Tokyo metropolitan area to the rest of the country, but she's even been active overseas. In addition, we'll be bringing various Tokyo local groups, VJs, and dancers together in one spot to create a truly fantastic event. We want you to come down to "CYCLE" – a cheerful, open-minded, and outstanding weekday party.