Medusa Bloom

深海を漂うクラゲをコンセプトに展開する【MEDUSA BLOOM】 初のオーガナイズパーティーが3/28(金)に表参道”ORIGAMI”で開催決定!!!


初のゲストを飾るのはベルリンを拠点にミニマル・ハウス・シーンをリードする、 ”VERA”の来日が決定!!



そして日本が誇るアーティストDJ SODEYAMA、イタリアンDJ兼プロデューサーであるStefano Lotti、アンダーグラウンドシーンからバイナリストYoshitacaとの共演で更なる期待が高まる中、 未だかつて体験した事の無い未知のGROOVEがTOKYOの街に新風を巻き起こす事は間違いない!

Medusa Bloom is a community-based art dedicated to electronic music lovers. Its concept was built on our team's passion and devotion to underground, electronic sound. We aim to unite real music lovers on the global level, by enlarging our community through the creation of entertainment events and parties.

Medusa Bloom was developed to present our fascination for the medusa marine animal, the flourishing bloom, and the splendor that blending the two creates. The medusa is truly an amazing creature to us. It pulsates and free-swims in its gelatinous umbrella shaped bell, as its tentacles trail the oceans of our planet…

We believe the medusa’s beauty and continuous motion resemble a beating bass speaker amongst the sounds of oceanic tranquility. It is as if it was a music track of peace and love.

The medusa’s prehistoric existence points at its resilience and sheer power. It is the oldest known multi-organ animal and it inhabits our planet since about 650 million years. The latter makes us ponder the extent of the world that the species have explored, and just how powerful their energy must be to remain for so long... Realizing this may perhaps only be a matter of our imagination…

We refer to members of the Medusa Bloom community simply as the “medusas,” as we consider any of the members to be just as amazing as the medusa itself. We wish for our community to be recognized as a joyful and extraordinary smack of medusa jellies. The time has come to share our passion and perception on the enjoyment of life.

Join us and enjoy the purity that comes with the sound of tranquil electronic music.

Address: 東京都港区南青山3-18-19 フェスタ表参道 B1
Phone: 03-6434-0968(VIPテーブル予約)

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