久しぶりの登場となるTA-1やLe Baron de Parisお馴染みのKOSUKE ADAMをメインに据えた、超絶にファッションフォワードなパーティー"FLAMINGO"!でも「ハンパなDJはお断り!」ということで、第三回目となる今回はHIP HOP界の重鎮"高木完"をゲストに、AKEEM THE DREAMやPELIなど東京のファッションシーンとナイトクラブクラブを牽引する次世代のミュージックセレクターを一堂に集めた“今”な夜をお楽しみ下さい!
One of our favorite party producers of late, STRAMACCIONI, is bringing his buddies TA-1 and KOSUKE ADAM to play at Le Baron de Paris for the first time in what seems like ages. Each time we brings special guest and this time they are Hip Hop legendary KAN TAKAGI and inimitable AKEEM THE DREAM. With these guys topping the bill you know that some of the most fashionable kids around will be showing up and getting wild, so come along and join the fun!