昭和、平成、ゆとり世代。めまぐるしい変化の中であらゆる要素を吸収して来た88年生まれの表現者達。それ故、88s からは多種多様な表現が生まれる。
今回は日本を拠点に韓国、香港、中国等のアジアを中心にワールドワイドに活動し様々な世界のトップアーティスト達と共演している TAIIKEZAWA をゲストに迎える。過去には、世界一有名なレーベルとして名高い Ministry of Sound のレジデントとして参加、そのレーベル傘下でもある「housexy」の JAPAN オフィシャルアーティストとしても活動。その他、UK 三大 PARTY の1つ「Gatecrasher」や IBIZA Amnesia のジャパンツアー等の Big Party に参加。また、インディーレーベル SALVADOSE MUSIC を主宰し Remixer / Producer の顔も持ち幅広いジャンルのミックスワークをこなしている。15年以上に渡り常に第一線で活躍してきた彼の世界観から生み出される繊細かつパワフルな力強いサウンドは本来あるべき本当の空間の姿を感じさせてくれるに違いない。
今後のシーンを担っていく 88s の可能性を是非とも目撃しに来て頂きたい!
Showa, Heisei and Yutori generation. The '88 born expressionists have absorbed elements of rapid changing times. It has led them to create a great variety of expressions.
We have TAIIKEZAWA as a guest artist this time, who is based in Japan and has been performing worldwide especially in Asia including South Korea, Hong Kong and China. He has also collaborated with numerous top artists across the globe. In the past, he also worked as a resident artist of the Ministry of Sound which is the most famous label in the world, as well as a JAPAN official artist of "housexy" from the same label.
Apart from this, TAIIKEZAWA took part in Big Parties such as the "Gatecrasher", one of the three major PARTY UK and Japan tour with IBIZA Amnesia. In addition, he chairs the indie label SALVADOSE MUSIC and mixes a wide variety of songs as a re-mixer and a producer.
The strong, powerful and at the same time delicate sound derives from his experience of performing in the front-line for more than 15 years. Surely he is going to make you feel the true and original sense of space.
Come and witness the potential of 88s, a generation that will produce the future of music scenes!