パーティーというよりも音楽を含めたTokyo Art Sceneの活性化を目的とした社交場、その名も”The Salon".
音と映像でその空間を演出していただくのは、80年代後半より名実ともに東京のクラブシーンを牽引してきたDJのひとりである矢部直氏。彼一流のセンスはぶれることなく常に聴くものの想像力を刺激し続け、20年を経た今も熱狂的な支持者に支えられその活動は常にWorld Wide.
そんな矢部氏と近年みつに行動をともにし勢力的に活動を展開している写真家、赤木楠平氏による”NAMPEI SHOP"も必見。会場全体を使ったユニークなインスタレーションはそのままshopとして機能し、これまでも都内のクラブでのパーティーやフェスなどに数多く出店し話題となっている。
週末はどうしても深いコミュニケーションは難しい、ということもあり、この日にじっくり皆様と親交を深めることができればと考えております。パーティー企画、WALL ARTへの売り込みetc…なども大歓迎。
come join and enjoy with "FREQ"
GO UP TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first regular party in "FREQ".
The lounge party which has you deepen communication in comfortable and stimulative space unlike the business of a weekend.
The social place aiming at activation of Tokyo Art Scene including music and its name are also "The Salon" rather than a party.
That I have the space directed with sound and an image is Mr. Tadashi Yabe(U.F.O./Lights & Music) who is one of DJ who has truly towed the club scene of Tokyo from the second half of the 80s.
A he first-class sense continues stimulating the imaginative power of what is always heard, without blurring, it supports to the still enthusiastic backer who passed through 20 years, and the activity is always World Wide.
It takes charge not only of sound but of Visual this time.
the photographer NAMPEI AKAKI also in action with such Mr. Yabe in recent years, does, and is developing activity in influence, "NAMPEI SHOP" a must.
The unique installation using the whole hall functions as shop as it is, open a shop to a party in the city of Tokyo, a festival, etc. in a club until now, and have become the center of attention.
Since the "FREQ" staff also says all together that surely deep communication is difficult during weekends, I consider if you and friendship can be deepened thoroughly on that day.
The marketing effort etc to a party plan and WALL ART, etc. are big welcomes.
This day no VIP SHEAT entrance is uniformly \1,000.
It is opening of 19:00-24:00 which are not in a crack by the end of grown-up tomorrow.
come join and enjoy with "FREQ"
GO UP TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!