レジデントにはアジアを中心にグローバルな認知を獲得し、海外からのゲストオファーも急増し、大手企業やファッション系のパーティー等数々のイベントに引っ張りだこの EMIKA と MARIA の2人が初めてタッグを組んでのプロデュースパーティー! 記念すべき第1回目は都内で活動しているフィメールアーティストを厳選し、個性豊かで縦横無尽なプレイスタイルが定評であり、最先端のアンダーグラウンドシーンには欠かせないアーティスト達が集結! 華やかに彩られた豪華一夜に注目してもらいたい! この日はなんと女性は入場無料☆☆☆
From now on we start the "MONOCLE" party , a concept in which we make selections from female artists from which we expect even more progress.
It is a producer party where residents have made Asia to gain global recognition, where guest offers from abroad have had a rapid increase, where major companies and fashion styles have made parties and where many other events in which the very popular EMIKA & MARIA have worked together for the first time! To make a commemoration, the first activity will be to make a careful selection from female artists who have has activity in the metropolitan area. It will be an artist gathering which represents the newest and the most essential underground scene, artists with great individuality, free play style and well known reputation. I want you to witness one night decorated in brilliance! In that day all women will have free entry ☆☆☆