LORD ECHOをはじめとした豪華アーティストを招聘し、大盛況に終わったイベント、On The Floorを主催したvendorによるイベントがまたまた開催されます。ますます盛り上がりを見せるメルボルンのダンスミュージックシーン。その中心人物Tornado Wallaceが初来日します。Andrew Weatherall、Eric Duncanをはじめとする、ダンスミュージックシーンの重要人物から高い評価を得る彼のPlayを是非体感してください。
Following the recent success of ON THE FLOOR featuring LORD ECHO, vendor is set to present another leading artist from down under in their Japanese debut. TORNADO WALLACE is a central figure in Melbourne's thriving, globally renowned dance music scene and is famed for his eclectic, high-energy DJ sets combining house, techno and disco music. Also a hard-working producer, his acclaimed EPs have seen strong support from dance music luminary such as Andrew Weatherall and Eric Duncan. Not to be missed.