毎回違ったコンセプトでそれぞれのシーンを代表するアーティストが集結。1周年の今回は新しい年代のアーティストをPICK UP!これまでとまた違った雰囲気を味わえるだろう。個性豊かなアーティストが集う唯一の空間それが INSOMNIA。様々なシーンで活躍中のアーティストが個々の実力を思う存分に発揮し、WOMB LOUNGE に集まったすべての人に INSOMNIA の衝撃を感じて頂きたい。
With a different concept each time, leading artists from the various scenes come together. This time at the 1 year anniversary, the focus is on artists of the new generation. Different to what's come before, you'll be able to experience a new kind of vibe. Insomnia is the space where artists full of personality gather. Artists active in various scenes will showcase their unique talents to deliver the force of Insomnia to the people gathered in Womb Lounge.