DRY&HEAVY presents 『IN TIME』


DRY&HEAVY presents 『IN TIME』開催決定!!! 客演に、 DJ HIKARU SIMI LAB TAMTAM を迎え、2014年、first 『IN TIME』 開催。



 そんなDRY&HEAVYがパーティーを立ち上げるという。その名も〈DRY&HEAVY PRESENTS IN TIME〉。DRY&HEAVY主催のイヴェントは何と初めての試みだというが、その点からもここに込められた秋本と七尾の思いを感じ取ることができるだろう。
それはジャンルも世代も越えたものであって、首謀者の秋本は東京の夜に起爆剤(もしくは劇薬)を投下しようとしている。僕が大好きなSIMI LABの“Uncommon”には〈普通って何? 常識って何? そんなものガソリンぶっかけ火つけちまえ〉というリリックがあるが、きっと〈DRY&HEAVY PRESENTS IN TIME〉もそういうことなのだろう。CATCH A FIRE!


Having guest-artists DJ HIKARU(blast head), SIMI LAB and TAMTAM.

DRY&HEAVY is a Japanese dub and Japanese reggae band, formed in 1991 by drummer Shigemoto"DRY"Nanao and bass player Takeshi"HEAVY"Akimoto playing internationally but broke up in 2001. Their each sound hasn't crossed for 10 years ever since but in 2010, the time came that they re-formed the band.
As for coming back on the stage, they play like a serious contending on every stage, so whatever gets out of rhythm, you can feel the tension atmosphere like they would break up again.
For that reason, it's really special that you watch them on a stage, so an audience crowded in a floor knows the tension and it even gets ferocious sometimes.
In fact, this is the first time they throw as an organized event, so as that point you could take in mind of them.
They don't want it to be like an ordinary categorized shit as Akimoto thinks of dropping a detonator down in the night of Tokyo.
In the lyrics of SIMI LAB's tune "Uncommon", they sing "What the fuck is common? What the fuck is common sense? Throw gasoline over the shit and catch fire.", it would be like they sing.
Catch a fire!

Written and edited by Hajime Ooishi.

