現実と幻想の間を突き抜ける “ファンタスティック・ダンス”
DAISHI DANCE が収録曲を交えたロングセットを敢行!!
さらに、武田真治や MATT CAB、GILLE といった盟友がライヴ出演!!!

多くのクラウドたちを天高く舞い上がらせてきた DAISHI DANCE のレギュラー・パーティー FANTASTIC DANCE。韓国のトップアーティスト ROEM に加え、誰もが知る超有名人がシークレット・ゲストとして登場した前回に続き、今回もスペシャルな時間と空間をクラウドにプレゼントする。
今夏発売されたニューアルバム"GEKIMORI"のリリースパーティを兼ねたこの日は、もちろん DAISHI DANCE がエキサイティングなロングセットを展開。アグレッシヴなエレクトロハウスや最新 EDM、そして"GEKIMORI"に収録された自身の楽曲も交え、多幸感溢れる空間をその手で生み出していく。
さらに、"GEKIMORI"収録曲“HAVE A NICE DAY”にフィーチャーされた武田真治と GILLE、そして同じく“COME TO LIFE”でボーカルを務めた MATT CAB がライヴアクトとしてゲスト出演!
他にも、VJ WADAKEN や CYBERJAPAN DANCERS が援護射撃し、DAISHI DANCE とその仲間たちがファンタスティックで“GEKIMORI”なパーティーを届ける!!

2014.8.6 ON SALE

"Fantastic DANCE" always takes you on a ride to another world in between reality and imagination. This time around, DAISHI DANCE is staging the release party for his new album "GEKIMORI", and he comes prepared with an extra long set featuring tracks from the album!! Furthermore, his comrades-in-arms Shinji Takeda, MATT CAB and GILLE will be joining him to perform live!!

DAISHI DANCE's parties always send his crowds to heaven and back. Following the last one with ROEM, a top artist from Korea, as well as a super-popular celebrity as a secret guest, DAISHI DANCE is going to present the crowd with a special time and his original atmosphere once again.

This party will be a celebration of launching "GEKIMORI", his new album scheduled to be released on 6th August. Of course, DAISHI DANCE is adorning this occasion with an exciting long set. Incorporating aggressive electro-house and latest EDM along with his original pieces from "GEKIMORI", he is sure of creating an amazing time and atmosphere filled with ecstasy.

Shinji Takeda and GILLE, whose vocals feature on the "GEKIMORI" track "HAVE A NICE DAY", as well as MATT CAB who provided vocals for "COME TO LIFE" will be guesting the event as live acts! Additionally, VJ WADAKEN and CYBERJAPAN DANCERS will be providing fire support as DAISHI DANCE and his comrades bring us all a fantastic GEKIMORI party!!