平日の夜を盛り上げている JADE VISION は今回で2周年を迎える!毎回特別なテーマやコンテンツをお届けする JADE VISION 、今回は超~スペシャルな一晩になること間違いなし!テーマは「サウンドサファリ」。神出鬼没なビートを追いかけ、新しい音の遊び方を発見してみよう。今回の2周年のお祝いで、スペシャルゲスト REMO-CON が JADE VISION に初登場!国内外の現場でも、Block.FM など様々なメディアでも、音楽シーンを未来へ導いて続く REMO-CON のエネルギッシュで独特なパフォーマンスを見逃がすな!そして、1周年でもプレイしたインターナショナルなセンスとグルーヴの Marc Antomattei が JADE VISION にカムバック!最近では海外のパーティーでもプレイする様になった JADE VISION のオーガナイザー LX-E、レジデントの Jeshi と Tom Tom Trouble Maker、そしてフレンドシップアーティスト MiXTURE で、オープンからラストまで最高なインターナショナルバイブで盛り上げる!勿論、JADE VISION で毎回人気のフリーフードもアリ!夏にぴったりなフードをご用意してお待ちしてますので、食べたい方はお早めに。サウンドサファリのテーマに合わせて、ジャングルのような飾りやボディーペイントのブースで音だけではなくビジュアルでも体感可能。平日のパーティーピープルが大満足するコンテンツをたっぷり用意してますので、JADE VISION の2周年を是非一緒にお祝いしよう!
The party that's been burning up the weeknight scene, JADE VISION, proudly celebrates its 2nd Anniversary at WOMB Lounge!
Each time, Jade Vision brings you all kinds of special themes and contents, and this time we've got something MASSIVE lined up for you!
The theme this time is "Sound Safari": explore this vast jungle of wild, untamed sounds, catch a glimpse of something rare, and discover the beat that is perfect for you!
For this 2nd Anniversary Special, special guest REMO-CON will be on the decks to deliver one of his legendary and energetic sets in this uniquely intimate environment. A household name throughout Japan and no stranger to some of the biggest events overseas, REMO-CON has been leading the musical scene both at home and abroad through his countless performances as well as media programs, including his own weekly show on Block.FM.
Also joining us is guest artist Marc Antomattei, whom some of you may recall from JADE VISION's first anniversary event last year, or from Marc's numerous appearances at both the classiest and most underground venues across Tokyo. This master of the decks will be sure to deliver you his signature sound, overflowing with his own unique international sensibility.
Organizer LX-E, who has recently been invited for overseas guest appearances, residents Jeshi and Tom Tom Trouble Maker, and friendship artist MiXTURE will also be bringing you an undeniably worldwide sound that you can't find anywhere else but here!
As usual, we will be serving FREE FOOD for early-comers, so show up early if you'd like try some tasty summer specials!
And finally, the "Sound Safari" theme would not be complete without appropriate visual accompaniment! Jungle decorations and a body paint booth are among the various other ways to explore new possibilities in weeknight partying!
With solid contents to satisfy all weeknight party people, be sure not to miss JADE VISION's 2nd Anniversary extravanganza!!!