さわやかな秋を感じる10月に開催される STERNE のゲストは、完成度の高いその作品と彼が放つパワフル且つディープなライブセットに定評がある、PAUL RITCH が久しぶりに登場。2年ぶりのWOMBへの帰還となる。
08年発表の"SPLIT EP Part 1"を皮切りにこれまで WAGON REPAIR、GET PHYSICAL 、SCI + TEC などトップレーベルよりヒットチューンをリリースし勢いに乗った PAUL RITCH。BEATPORT にて11000越えのヒットを記録し、ベストテクノアーティスト賞にノミネートされ話題をよんだ。09年には自身のレーベル QUARTZ REC を始動させミニマルなサウンドをさらに研ぎ澄ませ果敢に挑戦し、完成させてゆく作品はどれも完成度が高く大御所アーティスト SVEN VATH 等から絶賛を受けている。 2010年にはWIRE’10 に出演し、彼のセットに酔いしれた観客は多いことだろう。 またこの日は TAKKYU 氏とも親交が深い、BASSWORKS 主宰 SUGIURUMN の参戦も決定。豪華な夜となる。
Our guest at Sterne, the event which will invigorate you will the fresh feeling of autumn, is a man whose outstanding recording accomplishments come backed up with a well-established reputation for powerful and deep live sets, Paul Ritch - who makes his return to WOMB after 2 years' absence.
Since the release of 'Split EP Part 1' in 2008, he has kept up the momentum and put out a string of hit tunes, include 'Wagon Repair', 'Get Physical' and 'Sci-Tec', attracting further attention as he broke Beatport's hit record of 11,000 copies and was nominated for the 'Best Techno Artist' award.
In 2009 he started up his own record label 'Quartz Rec', and continued to move boldly into new areas and polish his minimal sound even further. His recordings, which he sees through to completion with the highest degree of devotion every time, have received high praise from such influential figures as Sven Vath, among others. His performance at Wire '10 in 2010 surely left crowds intoxicated.
This event will also host a battle against Bassworks leading man Sugiurumn, a close personal friend of Takkyu. It's going to be a splendid night.