全世界を巻き込んだビッグムーヴメント、EDM。その本来の魅力や先進性を説く、本格派EDMパーティ『EDM MUSIC FESTIVAL』がWOMBで開催される。これまでに田中知之(FPM)やMarc Panther、80KIDZやTibby a.k.a. IMALUなど人気アーティストが出演。続く今回は、EDMシーンのキーパーソンとして活躍するとともに、最新アルバム「GEKIMORI」を発表したばかりのDAISHI DANCEが出演。さらに、最新鋭のEDMをアグレッシヴかつテクニカルに操るKOMORIがヘッドライナーとして登場する。そして、BIGBANGやEXILE系統の音楽ファンからも注目を浴びるiamSHUMとthisisWAYNEからなる次世代ユニット、FUTURE BOYZが参戦。彼らがメジャーデビュー・ミニアルバム「TOKYO STYLE」の発売を記念したエクスクルーシヴなライヴを披露する。EDMをはじめとした新進エレクトロニック・ミュージックを解き放つ『EDM MUSIC FESTIVAL』が、この日、音楽シーンの最前線へクラウドを導く!!

A big party is set to rev up the EDM movement at WOMB! Featuring the latest EDM artists from among the most highly skilled groups. Secret guests will be performing from top artists like KOMORI, and a special live performance from the supernova unit that made their major debut with the mini-album "TOKYO STLYE" FUTURE BOYZ!!!
EDM is a big movement spreading all over the world. WOMB will be hosting the EDM MUSIC FESTIVAL and showcase the allure and cutting-edge of its spirit with an authentic EDM party. Featuring performances from long-time, popular artists like Tanaka Tomoyuki (FPM), Marc Panther, 80 KIDZ and Tibby a.k.a IMALU, and the leading edge of EDM with KOMORI as headliner with his aggressive but highly technical style. In this edition, DAISHI DANCE, a leader of the EDM scene who just released his new album, "GEKIMORI", will be making an appearance.
And also presenting FUTURE BOYS, the next-generation unit from SHUM and WAYNE seizing the attention of music fans from also BIGBANG and EXILE. Presenting an exclusive live performance to commemorate the release of their major debut mini-album "TOKYO STYLE".
Come and join the crowds at the forefront of the EDM music scene with the unleashing of rising electronic rock music at the EDM MUSIC FESTIVAL!!