SHINICHI OSAWA、REALROCKDESIGN、オーガナイザー YASUHIRO ARAKI が主宰するパーティーとして昨年5月にスタートした FLU は、WOMB LOUNGE で平日木曜のパーティーにもかかわらず毎回多数の来場者で賑わいを見せる新たなコンセプトパーティーとしてシーンで話題を呼んでいる。
第1回目から続いている「靴を脱いで遊ぶ」というコンセプトは引き継ぎつつも、常に進化する姿勢を崩さず前回から床面もカーペットから芝生へとチェンジして更なる心地良さ、新感覚の遊び易さを追求している。また、REALROCKDESIGN による複数のプロジェクターを贅沢に使用する空間演出は WOMB LOUNGE を異空間へと作り替えた。そして、なにより大沢伸一とゲストアーティストの新鮮な組合せ、またそこから生まれるグルーヴは来場者を掴んで離さずパーティーを大いに盛り上げてきた。そして今回の FLU はこの数年間で大きな盛上がりを見せるハロウィンシーズン真っ只中に開催が決定!!FLU HALLOWE’EN と銘打ったこのスペシャルな一夜を、皆さんの個性あふれる仮装やファッションで思う存分パーティーを楽しみましょう!!
The party FLU which began last year in May, was supervised by SHINICHI OSAWA、REALROCKDESIGN and the organizer YASUHIRO ARAKI. It was held at the WOMB LOUNGE. Despite being held on a weekday, many people attended, and at the scene of the new concept party where you could see the huge turn out, we took note of some of the major happenings.
Whilst the latest Flu carries on the same "Take off your shoes and party!" concept that has continued since the very first time the night was held, this is a night which never stops evolving, and in our quest to inject a fresh fun factor and new sense of comfort into your experience we have done away with the carpet and recovered the floor space with grass! That's not all - a new spacial presentation incorporating lavish, complex projections provided by Real Rock Design has transformed the Womb Lounge into something resembling a parallel universe. But above all, a fresh line-up consisting of Shinichi Osawa and guest artists has given birth to a groove which really kicks the party off, taking hold of all comers and refusing to let go! And finally, since this night is scheduled to take place right in the middle of Halloween season - a season which has shown us high-energy parties for many years - we have branded the night Fun Hallowe'en and invite you to show off your unique sense of fashion to your hearts content by coming dressed in your own costume. This promises to be a very special night indeed!