日本が誇る世界で活躍するアーティスト TOMIIE SATOSHI が3年ぶりに WOMB へのカンバックが決定!まさに開催日11月22日にバースディを迎える為、バースディパーティーとしての開催となる。共演は TOMIIE 氏を慕い、現在はベルリンを拠点に活動している HOLIC TRAX 主宰 TOMOKI TAMURA と 最近では、TOMIIE 氏と楽曲制作している、IORI WAKASA が出演する。
もはや TOMIIE 氏の経歴を説明するまでもないと思うが、東京生まれ、クラシックのピアノ教育を受けジャズを聴いて育った彼は、バンド活動などを経てアンダーグラウンドミュージックに出会う。フランキー・ナックルズに渡したデモテープがきっかけでハウス・クラシックスとなった"TEARS"を発表、その後 NY へ渡り DEF MIX PRODUCTIOSN の一員としてハウス・ミュージックの礎を作った。'00年に初のアーティスト・アルバム"FULL LICK"をリリース、高い音楽性で周囲を驚かせ、より幅広いジャンルで一気にファンを増やした。

TOMIIE SATOSHI, the pride of Japan, now actively at work throughout the world, has determined on a return date at the WOMB, for this first time in three years! Since the date of the performance, November 22nd, is in fact his birthday, this performance will be a birthday party. As joint performers we will have the head of HOLIC TRAX, TOMOKI TAMURA, who thinks the world of Mr. TOMIIE and currently is active based in Berlin, and IORI WAKASA who recently has been producing music with Mr. TOMIIE. There should be no need to explain Mr. TOMIIE’s career, but he was born in Tokyo, and after being educated in classic piano, began hearing jazz, then through band activities ran across underground music. Through a demo tape he handed to Frankie Knuckles, he ended up producing “TEARS” which has become a house classic, and after that went to New York and developed his grounding in house music as a member of DEF MIX PRODUCTIONS. In 2000 he released his own album as an artist, “FULL LICK,” astounding everyone around with its high musicality, and increased his fans in a single bound with a wider range of genres.

Currently, he is literally flying around the world doing gigs, and when not traveling he is leading a busy life with studio work and label management.