国内外を問わずフレッシュで個性溢れる、これからのミュージック&カルチャーシーンを担うアーティストが多数集結し開催される PARTY、DIG。第2弾となる今回は、今や世界を席巻する WEB MAGAZINE"HYPEBEAST"の音楽版"HYPETRAK"のエディターとしての顔を持ち、近年アーティストとしても頭角を表す Arthur Bray が初来日。さらには、前回の DIG でもフロアを完全にロックしたソウル DEADEND 代表 KINGMCK が再来日を果たす。
日本勢からは近年注目度大のアメリカのレーベル SOULECTION から唯一の日本人アーティスト YUKIBEB や、変幻自在なプレイでクラウドを虜にしてきた DaBook が登場。また、BASS シーンから PROPERPEDIGREE の ISHIKAWA、LISACHRIS や NABE の出演が決定。各フロア見逃せないアーティストが一堂に介す注目の夜、時代の変化を体現せよ。

DIG—a PARTY that assembles multiple artists from Japan and overseas who are fresh, bursting with individuality, and destined to be the future leaders of the music and culture scenes. On this, the second edition of this event, we bring you Arthur Bray, who’s visiting Japan for the very first time. With an established persona as the editor of "HYPETRAK,” the music edition of WEB MAGAZINE "HYPEBEAST" which has taken the world by storm, Arthur Bray has also been cutting himself a brilliant figure as an artist over the past few years. To top this off, KINGMCK, who totally rocked the floor when we first presented DIG, will be with us again from DEADEND in Seoul. On the Japanese side, we have YUKIBEB, an artist who’s been getting lots of attention lately and is the one and only Japanese artist with the American label SOULECTION, and DaBook, who spins phantasmagorical tunes to captivate the crowd. We’ve also lined up performances by ISHIKAWA (PROPERPEDIGREE), LISACHRIS, and NABE from the BASS scene. This is going to be a notable night, an embodiment of a new age, with not-to-be-missed artists assembled on each floor.