Mind Off 003 feat. Tobias. - LIVE set -

- 仮装コンテスト開催 -

ベストコスチュームに賞金50,000 円!

We will award the best costume with 50.000 Yen.
To participate please make sure to enter the club before 2 AM


※clubberia Member エントランス500 yenオフ!

■アプリはこちら :

今回のMind Off 003は、ハロウィンスペシャルとして10/31に開催決定!その特別な夜にふさわしく、ゲストにはTobiasが登場!

世界最高峰クラブと称されるドイツベルリンのクラブ「Berghain / Panoramabar」によるレーベルOstgut Tonからリリース、他にもPerlon, Cadenza, Bpitchからもリリースを重ね、プロデューサーとしても数々のアーティストから賞賛されているTobiasは、NSI / Pink Elln / Odd Machineなど様々な名義を使い分け、テクノシーンを20年以上に渡りリードし続けている ベテランアーティストである。日本ではLabyrinthやRainbow Disco Club、Star Festivalでにも出演し、またWomb や前Elevenでもプレイ。オーディエンスをわかしている。 音の全てを知り尽くした彼は、音を融合を表現させるスペシャリスト。

Mind Offでは毎回ユニークでスタイリッシュな音と雰囲気でフロアをわかして いる Stefano Lotti.

これまでageHa、WOMB、Air、UNITと言った都内主要クラブから、海外ではポルトガルのBOOM FESTIVAL、ドイツのVOOV EXPERIENCE、オーストラリアのRAINBOW SERPENT等に出演し、LabyrinthのレジデントでもあるSOと、Mind OffからDani Savantが脇を固める。


The time has finally come for Mind Off 003. On October 31st 2014, at Origami, Mind Off Halloween Special is proud to present Tobias. (Ostgut Ton, Non Standard Productions, Berlin).
Tobias needs little introduction since his name has been echoing around the world's dance floors for more than two decades now and his one of a kind sound just speaks for itself.
He has built a big following in Japan as well by performing at big events such as Labyrinth, Rainbow Disco Club and Star Festival as well as clubs like Womb and the former Eleven.
He has released on labels such as, Ostgut Ton, Perlon, Cadenza, Bpitch to name just a few and remixed artists like Efdemin, Los Updates, D'Julz and more.
Tobias knows sound from the inside out, thus he effortlessly merges his whole spectrum into a performance that is all him, transforming the complex textures and gripping rhythms that make his music so fascinating into experiences where listening and dancing are one, and a whole life of music leads to ever new innovations. As it happens. On the spot.
Joining Tobias in the main room is an artist who has been consistently delivering since the first Mind Off party, giving it a distinct, unique and stylish atmosphere and sound. He is none other than Stefano Lotti (Equilibrium Lab).
Also in the main room we are very happy to welcome So (Labyrinth, tri-bute), a DJ who has not only made a name for himself in Japan by playing at Labyrinth, Fuji Rock and the best clubs in Tokyo, but also with numerous international appearances such as VOOV in Germany, Boom Festival in Portugal, and Rainbow Serpent in Australia.
Last but not least in the main room is Mind Off's own Dani Savant ready again to animate the dance floor with his hauntingly groovy techno.

In the gallery we are happy to welcome back Xxif who has been playing at Mind Off from the very beginning as well as Mustache X who has played an amazing set at Mind Off 002.
Joining them are two new artists at Mind Off.
Mark Mood who has build a solid reputation in the Tokyo club scene in the last few years and also Marc_0 a new and upcoming DJ who we are very excited to have with us this time.

So put on your costumes, and come take your Mind Off this Halloween!!!

Address : 東京都港区南青山3-18-19 フェスタ表参道 B1
Phone : 03-6434-0968(VIPテーブル予約)
※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also,sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.