若手注目アーティスト陣で作り出すパーティー。EDM などの4つ打ちでフェスのような感覚を味わえる。オーガナイズは今注目のイベントのメトロポリスから SHOHO が務め、レジデントは有名アーティストのオープンアクト等に抜擢され札幌でパーティーを主催している NORIYUKI OMOTO と、都内だけでなく名古屋/大阪などでゲスト出演し若者から人気上昇中の FUMI らが務める。この3人を筆頭にスキルフルでかつ良質な音で作るフェス思考のパーティーをお楽しみ下さい!

NEW PARTY is the creation of a group of up-and-coming young artists. The four-on-the-floor rhythm of genres like EDM creates the ambiance of a music festival. The event organizer, and one of the artists who will be performing, is SHOHO from metropolis, the listings site featuring events to keep your eye on right now. NORIYUKI OMOTO is also scheduled as one of the resident artists for the night. He's been selected as the opening act for gigs by famous artists, and is the man behind PARTY in Sapporo. Other residents include FUMI, who has made guest appearances not only in Tokyo but other cities like Nagoya and Osaka, and who is getting more and more popular with the young crowd. With these three artists as the focus, NEW PARTY brings you talented and top quality sounds in a festival concept.