毎年フロアが大爆発の Atlantis × Territory の大忘年会に今年は Fineplay Music も集結し、UK ミュージック雑誌 MIX MAG が'05年発表した世界ランキングにおいて、堂々世界第2位にランクインした渋谷 WOMB の全フロアをジャック!!
WOMB ならではのムービングライト、フルカラーレーザー、フルカラーストロボ、NY 直送のサウンドシステムなどを軸にハイクオリティーな演出で、4フロア展開の2014年の大忘年会を豪華開催!!
Special Guest にはビックアーティストの Riktam & Bansi (G.M.S MUSIC/IBIZA)が登場!シーンのトップへ上りつめた GMS(ジー・エム・エス)時代から更に進化し、イビザ的サウンド要素が盛り込まれた溢れんばかりの才能をテクノフィールドへと落とし込んだテクノユニット RIKTAM & BANZI を結成。
Beatport ランキングを席捲し、D-NOX 主宰のレーベル SPROUT や EMOK 率いる IBOGA RECORDS からのリリースも好調に重ね、期待を裏切らないサウンドを披露。世界各地のフロアに熱狂の渦を巻き起こし独特のグルーヴ感とエネルギッシュなライブパフォーマンスで百戦錬磨と言われる強力な Live を体験せよ!

This year for the end of the year Atlantis × Territory party at the WOMB in Shibuya, Fineplay Music will be joining us. Since every year the dance floor is absolutely packed with people, we have rented out EVERY SINGLE FLOOR. Womb was ranked the second best venue in the WORLD according to the 2005 ranking by the MIX MAG UK magazine. Only at WOMB you will find Its unique moving lights, full coloured lasers, full coloured strobes, and a quality sound system imported directly from New York. The four floored venue will host the craziest end of the year party.
We've got heavy hitters Ritkam and Bansai (GMS Music/Ibiza) coming in! After hitting the heights of the scene in their GMS (Growing Mad Scientists) days, they've only grown more, coming together as techno duo Riktam & Bansi to pour down their nigh-overflowing genius, full of the essence of the Ibiza sound, into the techno field. They've swept through the Beatport ranking, shot off some fine releases with Iboga Records (headed by D-Nox and known for artists like Sprout and Emok), and will be throwing down a sound that'll match and meet your expectations. Get out here and soak yourself in a powerful life performance that has set floors across the world ablaze with a energetic, one-of-a-kind groove.