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日増しに暖かくなり、春の訪れを感じられる3月に開催される 06S。
今月のアーティストは、ロンドンの DRUM&BASS シーンを創世記より活動してきた、VIRUS RECORDINGS 主宰 ED RUSH が久しぶりの来日を果たす。ドラムンベースシーンで何度も変革を起こし進化させているのが、ED RUSH。OPTICAL と共に数多くの名トラックをリリースしてきた。現在でも LONDON の No.1 CLUB FABRIC での金曜日帯の大人気パーティー FABRICLIVE を中心にフェスティバルなどに出演している。3年ぶりの 06S 帰還に期待がかかる。

06S― an event brought to you in March, when the weather gets warmer and warmer each day and you can feel spring on its way.
Our artist this month is ED RUSH, president of VIRUS RECORDINGS, who has been active in London's DRUM & BASS scene since its genesis and who we've got coming to Japan again after oh so long. ED RUSH is an artist in continuous evolution who has revolutionized the drum & bass scene over and again. He's released heaps of well-known tracks working with OPTICAL. Even these days, he makes appearances at festivals and at No.1 CLUB FABRIC, a hugely popular Friday night party in London. We'll be looking forward to his return to 06S after being without him for three years.