
2004年、ヨーロッパでプロダクション、ディストリビューションを行い日本へは逆輸入として入ってくるというこれまでには無かったスタイルでスタートし、幾つかのフロアヒットを経て複数のメディアでベストレーベルに選ばれ、「日本で生まれた初めての偉大なレーベル」と称された MULE MUSIQ 。そのレーベルナイト ENDLESS FLIGHT に、一昨年にリリースされた久々となるニューアルバム“AMYGDALA"のビッグヒット、MODERAT、MOUNT KIMBE の REMIX、K7’ の人気 DJ MIX シリーズ "DJ KICKS” の記念すべき50タイトル目に抜擢される等、これまで以上に高い人気を誇る DJ KOZE、ユニークなダンスミュージックをリリースする STUDIO BARNHUS を運営しアップリフティングかつ独特のセンスな DJ セットでも高い人気の AXEL BOMAN がメインフロアに登場!WOMB LOUNGE には今年15周年を迎えるシーン随一のレーベルと言える DIAL を運営し、エレガントなハウスミュージックで数多くのフォロワーを生み出して来た LAWRENCE が登場し、海外勢3アーティストが昨年同様に揃って来日する。

MULE MUSIQ started in 2004 with an unprecedented style, produced and distributed in Europe and imported back into Japan.Releasing several dance floor hits and winning "best label" awards from several media outlets, it has become known as "the first truly great label born in Japan."
The ENDLESS FLIGHT Label Night will feature DJ KOZE, now more popular than ever before with the release of his first album in two years, "AMYGDALA," with its big hits, MODERAT and MOUNT KIMBE's REMIX, as well as being specially selected for the 50th track of K7's popular DJ MIX series "DJ KICKS," in addition to AXEL BOMAN, whose STUDIO BARNHAUS is known for its unique dance music and who is popular for his uplifting and unique DJ sets, on the main floor! LAWRENCE, manager of DIAL, which could perhaps be called "the only label on the scene" as it celebrates its 15th year, and who has garnered countless fans with his elegant house music, will appear in WOMB LOUNGE. Like last year, three overseas artists will make their way to Japan.