昔、昔20世紀の終わりを告げようとしていた頃、伝説的な青山のクラブ、Loopが始まった頃、本日夕方に行なう長寿パーティ、ギャラリーが始まったばかりの頃、Tokyo Black Starがまだ存在していなかった頃、その前にPヴァインの初企画として、ムーディーマンの楽曲が日本で初収録した伝説的なアングラ・ディープ・ハウスのミックスCD『Deep Atmosphere』を制作する事になり、初めて知り合ったAlex From Tokyoと僕は、ループでこんな胸毛が爆発しているディープなパーティを約1年半かな? をやっていた。他でもアレップと組み、共に音楽探究の道を歩み、今があり、そんな今になり、Lone StarでMax、Gordyと一緒にDJ出来るとは最高だぜ!
A long, long time ago, at the end of the millenium when things were quite innocent and we were about to grow are rather bushy chest hair, when loop was just starting, this afternoon's gallery party was being established, when Tokyo Black Star didn't exist yet, I A&Red my very 1st original production project, a rather dope, groundbreaking deep house mix CD entitled, deep atmosphere with moodymann's 1st introduction in japanese cd! which my dear friend, Alex From Tokyo produced and mixed, after that, we did a party called la vien en rose at loop for a year or so. That's when my developed my chops as a deck wormer.... whatever that is... Well, we did a colloborate a many over the years and continued to dive deep into the vast deep musical universe which made us what we are now. And now, well next Sat., we cross paths once again. Alex is going to join us, Lone Star and along with the crew of Max, Gordy, we plan on having some fun, fun, fun. I'm so happy! Hope you can join us.