Sunday Afternoon

(English follows Japanese)

4月のSUNDAY AFTERNOONにいらして頂いた皆様、ありがとうございました!
TG Birthday Bash!!!という言う事もあり、TG本人も記憶に強く残る一日となったに違い有りません。

そんな皆様のPOWERをCHARGEして迎える今回も、いつものDJ , Lighiting, VJ, Food, Hostと誰もが楽しめる自信をもったメンバーで皆さんをお迎えます。

日曜日の夕方を、GOOD MUSIC&GOOD VIBES で、私達と、過ごしてみませんか?

Join us for this party…don't miss it!

A big thanks to everyone who made it down to Sunday Afternoon in April for TG's birthday bash!! You all helped to make it a very memorable occasion!! ★

Sunday Afternoon is happening again in June! Come down & end the weekend, recharge ready for the week ahead…this time as always, everyone is very welcome! Come down alone or bring your friends & family (we've seen some kids come with their parents too!) the party starts at 6 & you still can make your last train home if you have an early start on Monday…you'll definitely be able to enjoy Sunday Afternoon!♪

The weather is getting warmer now so no need to stay at home. Come & spend a Sunday evening (late afternoon?!) with good music & good vibes! ☆