パーティークラウドを一夜のミュージックジャーニーへと誘うウィークデーパーティー CYCLE は7月も第4月曜日に開催。2015年後半はパーティーの原点に立ち戻り、週末を中心に活躍する本格派アーティストを毎夜ゲストに迎えての開催となる。今回は過去に Dash Berlin や THOMAS NEWSON など世界トップレベルの EDM アーティストを数多く招聘し、来月には HARD ROCK SOFA の来日も決定し、更に勢いを増す WOMB で開催の “Revamp” レジデントをつとめる NAOTO TAKAOKA をゲストに迎える。この夜もオープンからクローズまで飽きる事なく楽しめるハッピーでオープンマインドなパーティー CYCLE”へぜひ足を運んでもらいたい。
Weekday Party CYCLE that invites the party crowd to a one night music journey will also be hosted in July on the 4th Monday. For the second half of 2015 we will be going back to the fundamentals of parties, and we will be inviting proven artists who perform mainly during weekends as guests every night. This time we will be inviting NAOTO TAKAOKA, who has previously invited many world class EDM artists such as Dash Berlin and THOMAS NEWSON, fixed HARD ROCK SOFA's Japan live next month, and also serves as "Revamp" resident at WOMB where it is hotter than ever before. We would like you to join us this night at our happy and open minded Party CYCLE where we will keep you excited from open to close.