週末に活躍する本格派アーティストをゲストに迎えて開催される CYCLE に、この夜は 、過去に elevtrox や summer sonic にも出演し名実共に大きなキャリアアップを果たし、今最も注目を集めるフィーメール DJ の1人でもある KAGuLA を迎える。この夜もオープンからクローズまで飽きる事なく楽しめる、ハッピーでオープンマインドなパーティー CYCLE へぜひ足を運んでもらいたい。
Serious artists who are active on weekends are invited as guests to perform for Cycle. In the past, artists like elevtrox and summer sonic, who performed during this night event, enjoyed a huge boost in their careers both in name and reality. Cycle now welcomes KAGuLA, a female DJ who is the current focus of attention. One will lap up this night from opening to closing, without getting sick and tired of it. So make your way down to Cycle with an open mind and party happily!