毎週日曜日に渋谷Social Club Tokyoで開催中の#サンモブ ことSUNDAY MOB
日本が世界に誇る2人、DJ KANGO & DJ HOKUTOを筆頭に日本屈指のDJ達が集結し音好き、パーティ好きの日曜日の定番として多くのファンから支持されている。
Known as one of the best hip hop event on Sunday in Shibuya, many people from different areas such as apparel, music, college students etc. come gather and party to enjoy their night life. More than half of the customers of “SUNDAY MOB” are women. As the regular customers make good vibes on the dancefloor, people new to the party can also enjoy the atmosphere filled with excitement and joy. Come join SUNDAY MOB at Social Club Tokyo and enjoy your night in one of the biggest cities in the world, Shibuy