
WOMB の看板人気パーティー 06S。往年の WOMB ファンから新世代の音好きまで幅広い世代に支持され、アジアを代表するドラムンベースパーティーとしてレジデント DJ AKi と共にその存在感を示し、シーンに君臨している。毎月旬で話題のアーティストを招聘して絶賛開催中。2015年の 06S も後残すところ3回となった今回のゲストは、突如ドラムンベース界の新星アーティストとして現れ、瞬く間にトップアーティストへと登り詰めた人気デュオ The Prototypes が、約2年ぶりに 06S に登場!近年稀に見るフレッシュで刺激的な才能を持つと評されている彼らは、アクセル全開の大箱サウンドが特徴でフロアを熱狂の渦に巻く数々のスマッシュヒットを飛ばし、Andy C、Friction、Sub Focus、Roni Size、Fresh、Pendulum 等、様々なトップアーティスト達からサポートされている。今年に入り Shogun Audio から、Futurebound が主宰する Viper Recordings に移籍し、満を持してアルバム"City of Gold”をリリース。全編に渡りハードかつメロディアスなフロアーチューン満載なその作品が大ヒットし、今年最も飛躍したアーティストと言っても過言では無く、Snoop Dogg、Ed Sheeran、Avicii & Sebastien や Modestep といったアーティストからの続々とリミックス依頼が舞い込み、MTV ミュージックチャンネルの”MTV DANCE”で A-list play を獲得したのも当然のことである。今回の The Prototypesも見逃し禁止!14年にわたって開催し、最も WOMB らしいパーティーと形容される 06S。驚愕な怒涛のパーティーバイブを体感せずに WOMB を語るなかれ!

Womb's popular billboard night, 06S. Resident DJ AKi makes his presence felt at this high-status event, which represents the Asian drum 'n' bass scene, and is supported by drum 'n' bass fans from every generation, to those who have been coming to Womb for years to the new generation who come in search of the freshest sounds. We call upon the hottest and most talked about artists every month, and get rave reviews every time. With only 3 more installments left to come this year, this time round we welcome back a duo who ascended from new bucks to big names on the drum 'n' bass scene in the bat of an eyelid - The Prototypes - who make their return to 06S after an absence of two years! These guys possess an extraordinary talent, the likes of which is rarely seen these days, to fire out an endless torrent of big tunes which are guaranteed to get the audience into a frenzy, and are backed by such drum 'n' bass heavyweights as Andy C, Friction, Sub Focus, Roni Size, Fresh and Pendulum. They switched from Shogun Audio to Futurebound's Viper Recordings label at the start of this year for the release of their album 'City of Gold', which they had been holding on to and waiting for the right time to release. The album, which is packed full of hard yet melodic floor-filler, has been an enormous hit, and with the amount of attention they have received since it's release, it would be no exaggeration to say they have progressed more than any other artist this year. With remix requests coming in from the likes of Snoop Dogg, Ed Sheeran, Avicii & Sebastien and Modestep, it's no surprise that they're getting A-list play on MTV's music channel's 'MTV Dance'. There is no way you can miss this installment of the night which sums up what Womb is all about!! Don't talk like you know what Womb is until you've experienced this incredible roller-coaster of a night!!
