その「ARC」にて毎月第3木曜日のレギュラーパーティ「FOG CITY」が8月から始動。
レジデントDJとしては、2014年末の突然の引退発表から8ヶ月、満を持して復活した「YUMMY」とサンフランシスコから本格帰国した「AMIGA」がつとめ、ゲストDJも華やかな女性達がHOUSE MUSICを軸に、平日ならではの遊び心のある幅広い選曲でスタイリッシュな東京の夜を彩ります。
ARC is a new venue in Omotesando, Tokyo. It’s a place that is dedicated to generating trendy culture. ARC prides itself on the diversity of its nightlife family background reminiscent of the New York City club scene. FOG CITY, the latest regular party every 3rd Thursday night started on the 20th of August in 2015. Resident DJ’s include YUMMY, who has come out of an 8 month hiatus, fully re-born and DJs AMIGA who has recently returned from San Francisco. In addition guest DJs include attractive girls deep into house music culture and a playful spirit. FOG CITY will color your weeknight, Tokyo style with world’s greatest sound system VOID.