LiLiTH “THE PARTY!!!#28” feat. WOLF+LAMB

今回はLiLiTHの真骨頂、この人たちなくして今のLiLiTHはない、とも言える、LiLiTHの盟友であり一番大好きなアーティストであり、あのSoul ClapやNicolas Jaarなどのビッグアーティストたちを輩出してきた良質レーベルのオーナーでもあるWOLF+LAMBを迎えての開催。
もちろんLiLiTHレジデンツのSEXY部長Naoki Serizawaとともに、今回もCrew Love(世界各地で開催されているWOLF+LAMB&Soul Clap Recordsのレーベルショウケース)のHAPPYでGROOVYでSEXYな世界観をたっぷり皆さんにお見せしたいと思います!!!
今回はNaoki Serizawaのバースデーバッシュ!!

The LiLiTH party will come to the WOMB in November! This party is Tokyo’s #1 party when it comes to satisfying and elating guests, and it features cutting edge performers from the music scene!!
The true value of LiLiTH lies in the WOLF+LAMB, without whom LiLiTH couldn’t exist. They’ve produced such big artists as Soul Clap and Nicolas Jaar, are the owners of a fantastic label, and are the sworn friends of LiLiTH.
Of course LiLiTH’s resident chief-of-the-sexy-department Naoki Serizawa will be on hand, and she’ll be joined by Crew Love, the unit that travels the world as part of the label showcase for WOLF+LAMB & Soul Clap Records, to treat everyone to a HAPPY and GROOVY and SEXY time!!!
Of course every floor during LiLiTH will be bustling with parties that feature the current members of the Tokyo underground scene.
This time we’ll have Naoki Serizawa’s birthday bash!!
Please join us for the fun in November at LiLiTH!!!