Crema #3 guest DJ Hakim Murphy from Chicago

パセレッティ主催のparty ”crema”---クレマ---

2レーベル"Machining Dreams"と"Synapsis Records"の
オーナーでもあるHakim Murphyが登場です!!!

本場、最新Chicago musicを感じにきてくださいね。


Hakim Murphy (Machining Dreams / Synapsis Records / Chicago)
Hakim Murphy はシカゴの House, Techno プロデューサー・DJ。
彼の音楽キャリアはシカゴでダンサーとして始まり、Larry Heard, Robert Armani, Dance Mania, Relief, and Cajual recordsから影響を受ける。
それ以来2008に楽曲制作を開始し、2つのレコード・レーベル Machining Dreams と Avondale Music Society と一緒に Synapsis Records のオーナーとなる。

Hakim is a producer/dj from the Chicagoland area who's musical style ranges from House to Techno. Hakim's journey begin as a dancer in Chicago as a lot of his musical influences come from Larry Heard, Robert Armani, Dance Mania, Relief, and Cajual records. As a Chicago footwork dancer, Hakim gradually became inspired by the music and began playing records in 1996. Since then Hakim has ventured into production work and eventually founded two records labels in 2008: Machining Dreams; and Synapsis Records with Avondale Music Society.