MIND OFFが11月13日に、再びUNITをジャック。
今回は昨年のULTRA JAPANで会場を熱狂の渦に巻き込んだテクノ界の重鎮PIG&DAN(Elevate, Cocoon)の再来日が決定。 PIG&DANはおよそ10年以上にわたりUltra、Awakenings、さらにTomorrowlandなど世界中のフェス、そしてイビサのAmnesia、ロンドンのFabric、アルゼンチンのCrobar、東京のWombやAgehaなどのクラブでプレイし、クラブミュージックファンを大いに湧かせてきた。
そしてPig&Danのスタイルを確実なものへと構築させるのがSTEFANO LOTTI。東京のクラブシーンで急速に広まりつつある、彼のユニークかつバウンシーなテクノサウンドが今回も繰り広げられる。さらに日本のみならず、今年の夏にヨーロッパでもツアーをし、高い注目を浴びているDrunken Kongも登場。今回のMind Off 006で自分たちが日本屈指のテクノデュオたる姿を堂々と見せつけてくれるに違いない。 そして、パーティーにスパイスを添えるのはMind OffのDANI SAVANT。また、初参加のDJ JIT&AMMITのプレイも楽しみだ。
SaloonのラインアップはFAKEEYES PRODUCTIONクルーのMUSTACHEX、SUPERMAAR、SIGEO JD、さらにELLI ARAKAWAのスペシャルパフォーマンスやXxif & nNanaのB2Bセット、DJ OUTICA、MUMEIと、いつも以上に豪華なラインアップとなっている。彼らがSaloonのフロアを存分に盛り上げてくれるだろう。
今回もMind Off006に、ポータブルスピーカーのBeYoがサポート!
So Take Your Mind Off and Let's Do This!!!
On Friday, November 13th, 2015 Mind Off will take over Unit again, this time bringing techno heavy weights PIG&DAN ( Elevate, Cocoon ) who absolutely killed last year at Ultra Japan. For more than a decade PIG&DAN have been jamming in the studio and smashing it up at festivals such as Ultra, Awakenings, and Tomorrowland as well as lifting the roof off clubs such as Amnesia Ibiza, Fabric London, Crobar Argentina, and Womb and Ageha in Tokyo.
Now they are finally back in Japan to mesmerize Unit with their uplifting techno sound.
To balance it out STEFANO LOTTI will once again energize the Mind Off dance floor with his bouncy techno beats that have spread wildfire in the Tokyo club scene.
Another act flying high not only in Japan but also recently in Europe, where they toured during the summer, is Drunken Kong. They will show you exactly why they are one of the fastest rising techno duos in Japan with a special performance at Mind Off 006 and will be nicely warmed up by DJ JIT&AMMIT who will smoothly set the mood for the night.
To top it all off Mind Off's DANI SAVANT will sprinkle the dance floor with his usual spice to make the party complete.
The Saloon lineup is off the hook with the return of the FAKEEYES PRODUCTION crew with MUSTACHEX, SUPERMAAR and SHIGEO JD, as well as xXif who will be playing a B2B set this time wit nNana, - not to mention a special appearance by ELLI ARAKAWA. Also joining them are two new acts at Mind Off: DJ OUTICA and MUMEI, who we are very excited to have on the lineup and to bring their sound to the Saloon floor.
This time around as well, portable speaker company Beyo is fully supporting the party.
So Take Your Mind Off, And Let's Do This !!!
- 2015-11-13 FRI
- 23:00
- 3500
- 【UNIT】
Pig&Dan ( Elevate, Cocoon, Soma, Bedrock, Terminal M )
Stefano Lotti ( Equilibrium Lab )
Drunken Kong (Tronic, !Organism, Unity Records )
Dani Savant ( Mind Off )
DJ Jit & Ammit ( Oidz )
Lighting: AIBA
Elli Arakawa ( Duce )
Shigeo JD (Fekeeyes Production)
Supermaar (Fekeeyes Production)
Mustache X (Fekeeyes Production)
DJ Outica
xXif vs. nNana (Equalizt Japan)
Mumei ( Origenysis )