Broad 3rd Anniversary


3周年の祝祭にModern Heads & Dino Sabatiniが登場

無限に広がる人の繋がりと音楽を愛するアーティストたちが集結し、これまで平日のAIRを盛り上げてきた"Broad"が初の週末開催、そして3周年を迎える。祝祭を飾る記念すべき回は、Prologueを始めとした重要なレーベルからリリースを重ね、これまで日本公演でリスナーを虜にして来たDino SabatiniとパートナーのGianluca Meloniがコンビを組む"Modern Heads"を日本では初のライブアクトで迎える。さらにDino SabatiniはDJセットも披露する。国内からはDJ YAZIが登場し、メインフロアはディープでストイックな一夜に期待が高まる。そして2ndフロアにはDJ SHIBATAが登場。Broadの特徴の1つでもあるディープを軸につつも多様な角度から音楽を楽しめる濃い一夜を体感して欲しい。

Modern Heads & Dino Sabatini will play to celebrate the 3year anniversary of Broad @AIR.
Broad is a party which connects lots of people and their artists are in love with music. This is the first time to be held at the weekend for the 3year anniversary.
For this memorable night, Dino Sabatini who constantly released great tracks from important labels such as Prologue and he captured the audience at his last Japan tour. Dino will perform his Live set with his partner Gianluca Meloni as "Modern Heads", and also plays his solo DJ set.
From local, DJ YAZI will play at the main floor and DJ SHIBATA will play on the second floor. We are excited about their deep and stoic sounds.
At Broad, you will experience the diversity of sounds which consist of deep sounds. This night’s gonna be a unforgettable.