Mnml Ssgs Party


5年ぶりに来日のDelta FunktionenとDJ NOBUが魅惑の競演

革新的なエレクトロニック・ミュージックを発信するパーティ“MNML SSGS”が、約半年ぶりにAIRへ還ってくる。今回のヘッドライナーを務めるのは、これが2010年以来の来日となるDelta Funktionen。深い音楽知識と斬新な手法を活かしたプロダクションワークを実践し、昨年自らスタートさせたレーベルRadio Matrixより「Wasteland」4連作をリリースしたことで大きな話題を呼んでいるアーティストだ。この5年間で飛躍的に進化したであろう彼のプレイに大いに期待したい。さらに国内からは、欧州のフェスやビッグクラブなど活躍の舞台を世界に拡げるDJ NOBUが参戦。圧巻のグルーヴに満ちた夜が、幕を開ける。

<Delta Funktionen>
自国オランダのレコードストアにてエレクトロニックミュージック対する知識を深めた後、Delta Funktionenは2008年より自身のプロダクションをリリースに至る。”Delsin”やそのサブレーベルである”Ann Aimee”を中心にリリースを重ね、2014年より始動した自身のレーベル”Radio Matrix”より4連作となる作品をリリースし、アナログ、デジタル双方の独自の斬新な手法を用いることで知られている。DJとしてもJeff Millsのウォームアップを務め上げるなど、常に明確なコンセプトと共に確かな手腕を振るう。

Air will host the next MNML SSGS party on Saturday 19 December. After a bruising last edition with the powerful sounds of Adam X and Ancient Methods, this time the plan is serious fun, with an emphasis on fun... To help us achieve this aim we have invited an old friend and collaborator, Delta Funktionen. Best known for his productions on Delsin, he recently established his own label, Radio Matrix, on which he put out a 4 part series entitled ‘Wasteland’. This will be his first time in Tokyo since 2010. In the intervening years, he has continued to mature as a DJ and we are very excited to welcome him back to present his distinctive blend of techno and electro. Joining Delta Funktionen will be DJ Nobu, who is completing an impressive year, with performances including at Berghain, Concrete, Unsound and Dekmantel. Nobu’s position in Japan is long established, and people overseas are now starting to fully understand why we rate him so highly. There will also be a live performance from galcid and Hisashi Saito. Well known for their mastery of analog and modular machines, we are very excited to hear their dynamic and improvised take on techno music. Completing the mainfloor lineup are Future Terror’s Haruka, who returns to play the afterhours slot, and Chris SSG, who will be in charge of opening the night.

The FISH crew will be looking after the lounge once again, bringing their infectious mixture of enthusiasm and quality selections. Sapphires Slows will be DJing, fresh from her time at the RBMA Academy in Paris. She will be joined by FISH regulars, Michihiko Ishidomaru, Chiro and Yu. BONDAID will be taking over No Mad, led by SlyAngle, one of Tokyo’s most tuned in selectors. They will be showcasing a series of up and coming young DJs: 7e, CHANGSIE and MARI SAKURAI.

So come down and join us for what is going to be a very fun and proper way to start saying farewell to 2015.