EDM を中心に火曜日を盛り上げるパーティー、PLAY THE BEAT が始動!
時代と共に常に音楽カルチャーも変化する中で、今あるべきパーティーを提案することを目的とし、全てのダンスミュージック・ファンの人々に対して熱狂、興奮、感動を与え、更に新時代のシーンを創ろうとする次世代の DJ 陣が一挙に集結!ゲストとして迎えるのは、全国へ GUEST DJ として活躍し、自身の Original Track は BEAT PORT 上位にチャートインするなど世界基準の実績・実力の持ち主 KENTA と、全国へ GUEST 出演を重ね、変幻自在なプレイスタイルでフロアをロックし若者から人気絶大の FUMI、更に都内はもちろん地方でも絶大な人気を誇り、CD ”Girls EDM” をリリースして注目が集まる DJ KASUMI の3人!彼らを筆頭に平日の火曜日とは思わせない程の盛り上がりを体験できる PLAY THE BEAT に期待しよう!!
We're kicking off PLAY THE BEAT, a dynamic Tuesday party with an EDM focus!
We're throwing the party that the current times and everchanging music scene deserve! Next-generation DJs will gather in one spot to offer all dance music fans wild enthusiasm, excitement, and passion, creating a new era scene afresh! We will greet our guest KENTA, who is active nationwide as a guest DJ. His original tracks topped BEATPORT charts and his accomplishments and abilities hit the world standard. On top of national guest performances, FUMI is tremendously popular with young listeners and will rock the floor with phantasmagoric style. Further, the three-member DJ KASUMI is wildly popular in cities and of course rural areas, and has gathered attention with their CD release of "Girls EDM." They'll start off a show so exciting you won't believe it's Tuesday! Look forward to the experience of PLAY THE BEAT!!!