CYCLE is BACK!平日からジャンルレスなゲストアーティストを迎えて開催を重ねてきた CYCLE がリニューアルを果たし更にパワーアップした WOMB LOUNGE で堂々開催!過去に axxcis のレジデント兼サウンドプロデューサーを務め、現在は仙台や新潟など各日本主要都市にある CLUB のサウンドプロデューサーを務め、HIP-HOP、R&B だけでなく、HOUSE、ELECTRO、TRANCE と幅広い選曲で、年間200以上の現場をこなす数少ない ALL ROUND アーティスト G☆MEN をゲストに迎えて開催する。オープンからクローズまで楽しめる、ハッピーでオープンマインドなパーティーにぜひ足を運んでもらいたい。
CYCLE is BACK! An event that has been held many times over with genre-less guest artists, CYCLE is on again in impressive style in the new and even more power-boosted WOMB LOUNGE! G☆MEN, one of the few ALL ROUND artists that you can find, will be our guest for this event. One-time resident artist and sound producer at axxcis, G☆MEN currently works as sound producer in CLUBS in major cities around Japan like Sendai and Niigata. He appears in over 200 venues a year, playing not only HIP-HOP and R&B, but also a wide selection of HOUSE, ELECTRO, and TRANCE tracks. So come along to our happy and open-minded party where you can have fun from when the doors open right through to the end of the night.