ゼロからの始発点、"GROUND ZERO"と冠する新たな境地へ。
WOMB リニューアルに相応しい新パーティーが START!なんとラインナップは日本人 DJ のみ。週末といえば殆ど海外アーティストを招聘している WOMB の PARTY の中でもひと際目を惹かれる筈だ。MAIN ACT としては、もはや説明不要、日本の DRUM&BASS シーンを黎明期から創り上げた DJ AKi が新境地の EDM セットで登場する。どんな音楽であっても、細胞1つ1つに染みついた神業のようなグルーヴを表現する力は世界を見渡しても唯一無二といえるだろう。 続いて、世界中を GUEST DJ として飛び回り、今まさに旬のアーティストである DAIKI を迎える。昨年の自身の MIX CD の大ヒットも記憶に新しい彼だが、和音をテーマにした独自の EDM TRACK をリリースし、世界中のフロアを沸かせている。そして、上海、杭州等、中国と日本を軸に"変化"を核にした世界観で活躍する KENLOCK も登場。DJ AKi、DAIKI、KENLOCK の盛り上がり必須の3アーティストがヘッドライナーとしてメインフロアを熱気で包み込む!
次に目を惹くのは、TRANCE 黎明期からのキャリアを持ち、渋谷の TRANCE 時代創立の一翼を担っていた TOMMY。彼は MAIN ACT として EDM セットを披露するだけでなく、同日、VIP LOUNGE にて、黄金時代の EPIC を軸に懐かしの TRANCE PARTY を開催!当時の渋谷が甦る。 更に WOMB の月曜日の看板 PARTY、GEKIYABA SET の RESIDENT である SHOHO も MAIN ACT として登場し、異彩を放つ彼独自の EDM セットを表現する。また、WOMB LOUNGE では、日本各地で大人気の PARTY、ハナライフから ZAC を迎え、若手 DJ が馴染み深いボーダレスな MUSIC を SELECT。単なる ALL MIX ではない、日本固有の暖かみのあるグルーヴ、いわば"DISCO SOUND"をテーマに新たな角度から、あえて徹底的に"ミーハーなサウンド"をプレゼンする。
週末の WOMB では、殆ど見られない日本人アーティストだけの PARTY となる G-ZERO。ここでは3つのフロアそれぞれが、日本人独自の観点で、斬新かつ面白みのあるエンターテイメントを提示してくれるはず。 3月18日、全てのクラブミュージックファンへ。ここが唯一無二のゼロ地点であることを約束する。

From zero to ignition, let's go to that new frontier called "GROUND ZERO".
A new party worthy of this renewed WOMB is about to START! And the entire lineup is composed of Japanese DJs only. For a club like WOMB, accustomed to inviting artists from overseas for every weekend PARTY, this lineup is sure to stand out.
As the MAIN ACT we have someone who needs no introduction at this point. DJ AKi, who has brought forth a new era of DRUM&BASS into the Japanese scene, will be presenting an innovative EDM set in our new locale. No matter what music he plays, it is sure to have a power no other music on Earth possesses: the power to sink deep into each and every one of our cells like some sort of miraculous groove. In addition, we have DAIKI, an artist who is constantly touring the world as a GUEST DJ, and who has become a really popular artist. He is still fresh in our memories since he dropped his MIX CD last year, which become a big hit. This time he has released an original EDM TRACK inspired by Japanese music, and it is lighting up dance floors all over the world. KENLOCK will also make an appearance, the artist whose philosophy has the concept of "change" at its very core; based in between Japan and China, and very active in such cities as Shanghai or Hangzhou. DJ AKi, DAIKI, KENLOCK, these 3 indispensable artists for any wild event will headline ours, and will make the floor burn with fervor!
Our next attraction is TOMMY, an artist who has made a career out of the new-wave of TRANCE, and who played a big role in bringing the era of TRANCE to Shibuya. He won't only present an EDM set as his MAIN ACT, but will also host a nostalgic TRANCE PARTY in our VIP LOUNGE on that same day! It will revolve around EPIC tracks from the Golden Age of Trance. He will resurrect the Shibuya of the past. Also, another MAIN ACT will be SHOHO, who is a RESIDENT of GEKIYABA SET, WOMB's Monday featured PARTY, and he too will release his distinctive EDM set. We will also present ZAC into our WOMB LOUNGE, the man behind the Hana Life PARTY, popular all over Japan. This young DJ will SELECT an extremely intimate variety of borderless MUSIC. It won't be your standard ALL MIX; its grooves will be full of the characteristic warmth of Japanese music. He will approach the so-called "DISCO SOUND" from a fresh new angle, and will purposefully present us with a completely "Lowbrow Sound".
On the weekend at WOMB, G-ZERO will be the sort of PARTY where you can see performances from rare Japanese artists. In each of our 3 floors we will present you with original and fun entertainment from a uniquely Japanese perspective. We will present it to all club music fans, on the 18th of March. We promise you this will be an unrepeatable Ground Zero experience.