●Ryota O.P.P (Meda Fury / Future Life)
新居 了太ことO.P.Pは1999年にDJ/organizerとして徳島にてそのキャリアをスタートする。高いオリジナリティーを求めて上京後も様々な都道府県、ロンドンやロス、オーストラリアにインドネシア、そしてタイなど海外のパーティーでも活躍してきた。O.P.Pは現在DJ/オーガナイザー/プロデューサーとして東京を拠点に活躍する傍ら、2011年に自らのレーベルFuture Lifeを立ち上げリリースした1stアルバム「Unknown Place」に続く作品のリリースを目論む。2015年にはR&Sを母体とするUKレーベルMeda Furyから初となる12inchをRyota O.P.P名義でリリース。1st Album「Unknown Place」のトリビュートとして発表されたこの作品は、発売開始より主に海外のDJ、レコードショップなどのチャートに選ばれ、A Made Up SoundやCedric WooがMixに収録するなど国内外問わず反響を呼んだ。また2014年より世界中の様々なラジオショーに出演、ロンドンのNTSではSun Ra Auchestraの一員Alex Raのインタヴューとコラボレーションするなど面白い試みを行っている。2015年にはIBIZA Global Radioにも登場。自作音源のみで構築されたMixショーは反響を呼び2週に渡ってオンエアーされた。Red Bull Studioから中継されたDISKOTOPIA Radio、ロンドンBrilliant Cornersから生中継されたDJ Live Setなども記憶に新しい。年末にはIbizaベースのインターネットラジオ、Pioneer DJ Radioから日本人初となるMixの発信が行われた。
Ryota Arai a.k.a O.P.P from Tokushima Prefecture started his career as a DJ/organizer in 1999 then moved to Tokyo to pursue even higher originality creativity and to gain more opportunities. He has held parties in various places such as London, LA, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand outside of Japan up to today. O.P.P. is currently involved many parties in Tokyo as a Dj/organizer/producer.
His first album was released in 2011 from his label Future Life. And His first 12inch came over from UK label Meda Fury in 2015. The 12inch that was released as tribute of his 1sr Album “Unknown Place” is often picked up the chart from major record shop of dance music and played or put into the mix by many creators or DJs such as Cedric Woo or Made Up Sounds. It’s got great reputation not only Japan but also worldwide.
And from 2014, Ryota O.P.P appeared on various radio across the border. On NTS in London he mixed live DJ collaborating the interview of Sun Ra Auchestra’s member Alex Ra. In 2015, He appeared on IBIZA GLOBAL RADIO. The mix which was constructed by only his original music has got good reaction by audience and on aired consecutive 2 weeks. At the end of 2015, he also appeared DISKOTOPIA Radio which was broadcasted from Red Bull Studio in Shibuya. And the beginning of 2016, his new DJ mix was delivered by Pioneer DJ Radio which based on Ibiza scene on internet radio. It was first time that Pioneer DJ Radio picked up Japanese DJ.
His Dj style is like oblique rays of the sun that enfold the dance floor and all beings sharing the space and the zero-gravity sound with him. Music is what is indispensable in his life and people can feel his passion/love for music once he touches turntables.