DRUNKEN KONG 主催のパーティー INTENTION が開催!4回目となる4月8日は、Techno 界 TOP レーベル TRONIC より、CHRISTIAN SMITH が来日決定!!
グルーヴィーからトランシーな楽曲まで提供する CHRISTIAN SMITH のプレイは必見。昨年 DRUNKEN KONG も TRONIC から EP とコンピレーションをリリース。TRONIC Night を是非堪能して頂きたい。
更に DOSEM との全国ツアーを成功に収め、楽曲、Player としても名を挙げている WEAVES の U:ICHI も参戦!ルーマニアからは、国内外のクラウドを魅了しているパーティー Mind Off のオーガナイザーでもある DANI SAVANT と、INTENION のレジデントアーティストである VAN AFRIKA がメインフロアを盛り上げる。また、VJ として comboy がフロアを演出!彼のスタイリッシュな映像も必見!
VIP LOUNGE には、宇都宮 NEST のオーナーでもあり、アーティストとして日本のみならず、世界12都市でプレイ経験を持つ KATSU ARAI が出演決定!更にビッグパーティーに出演している AGB も初出演!トランシーかつグルーヴィーな音で盛り上げます!
WOMB LOUNGE は、U:ICHI がクリエイトする WEAVES がプロデュース!豪華ラインナップで、WEAVES サウンドが繰り広げられる。
リニューアルで更にグレードアップした WOMB で、Techno の新しい世代が繰り広げる一夜は、盛り上がる事間違いなし。是非体感しに、足を運んでみて下さい。

DRUNKEN KONG resident party "INTENTION" was formed to create a new concept in the current Tokyo techno scene. The focus was to bring in new generation artists with their individual concept of techno and tech-house to the music scene.
Now “INTENTION” is back again for the 4th time at WOMB Tokyo, this time with techno legend Christian Smith from Tronic Music. Christian has built a worldwide reputation built with his groovy, soulful & melodic tracks. Of course he is also known for his imprint Tronic Music, which constantly delivers top quality music to the techno and tech house scene. We are proud and excited to bring this special artist to our INTENTION evening to Womb.
DRUNKEN KONG, who have released an EP from Christian’s Tronic Music in 2015, will also be playing at the main stage. It’s sure going to be a super Tronic Night!!
U:ICHI, the main man behind Weaves, gaining attention with Weaves event and the DOSEM Nation Tour will also be playing at the main stage along with Dani Savant from Romania, who is well known for his successful Mind Off party!
INTENTION resident artist from South Africa, VAN AFRIKA will be ensuring the evening gets off to a great start opening the main stage.
To add a special visual flavor we have invited Comboy as VJ on the main stage. His stylish quality visuals will fit right into the magical moments of the night.
In the VIP Lounge, we are excited to have Katsu Arai owner of Nest Utsunomiya. Katsu has been advancing his career playing in big festivals like Nature One as well as playing in over 12 different major cities around the world.
Adding to the unique musical experience on the ABGworld will also be playing his unique style and groove, a great fit for the vibe of the VIP Lounge!
You can be sure to expect deep, groovy vibes in this floor all night long.
U:ICHI and his WEAVES crew will produce WOMB LOUNGE for the night. From banging dark techno to melodic groovy techno, we are confident that this will be another floor that will keep rocking the entire night!!
Our INTENTION is to bring you fresh and new experiences for one night only. So be sure not to miss out and join us for a memorable evening!