京都を舞台に開催される国際的な写真祭"KYOTOGRAPHIE京都国際写真祭"[開催期間4月23日(土) - 5月22日(日)]の開催日の夜、京都を代表するJAZZイヴェント"Do it JAZZ!”による、"KYOTOGRAPHIE京都国際写真祭" のKick Off パーティをMETROにて開催致します。昨年大好評に終わったBLUE NOTE RECORDS写真展とのコレボレーション企画に続き、世界基準で活躍する"沖野修也"、関西で活躍する女性DJ"YUKARI BB"をゲストに招待。今回はKYOTOGRAPHIE2016公式テーマ「Circle of Life|いのちの環」と親和性の高い 「LOVE」「FREEDOM」「Peace」等テーマを奏でた"SPIRITUAL JAZZ"のフィーリングと、 現在進行形のCROSSOVERサウンドまでをミックスさせるDJ的アプローチによる楽しみ方を提案。そして京都岡崎のフラワーショップ"SUiU"による空間演出と京都の老舗ナチュラルワインインポーター"Diony"のワインボトルもスタンバイしております。KYOTOGRAPHIE 2016の”Maiden Voyage"をお楽しみ下さい。
The KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival will be held in Kyoto between Saturday, April 23rd and Sunday, May 22nd. The night of opening day will feature a Kick Off Party at METRO for this festival hosted by "Do it JAZZ!” which is Kyoto's leading jazz event. Continuing a collaboration project with BLUE NOTE RECORDS Photography Exhibition which had a very successful finish last year, we will invite both Shuya Okino who is a successful international performer and YUKARI BB who is also a well-known female DJ in the Kansai area, as our guests. This year, we will be presenting the feeling of "Spiritual Jazz," which has "Love, Freedom, and Peace" themed sounds, which match perfectly with the "Circle of Life," the official theme of KYOTOGRAPHIE2016. We will also show how to enjoy the mixture of ongoing Crossover sounds that take in the perspective approach of the DJ. "SUiU" a flower shop in Okazaki, Kyoto will be in charge of designing the set decorations for the event and there will also be bottles of wine on display from "Diony," which is a long-established importer of natural wines in Kyoto. Please have fun with the "Maiden Voyage" of KYOTOGRAPHIE 2016.
- 2016-04-23 SAT
- 22:00
- 2500
- Guest DJ :
Shuya Okino (Kyoto Jazz Massive)
Yukari BB (Especial Records Sessions)
DJ :
Masaki Tamura (Do it JAZZ! / BOSSANOVAunderground)
Kazuhiro Inoue (Infinite Souds / Chila-Chila)
Naoki Yoda
Flower :
Web Infomation :
Do it JAZZ! http://www.doitjazz.jp
KYOTOGRAPHIE http://www.kyotographie.jp/